Castelló, SPAIN 2024
Sardinia, ITALY 2024
Castelló, SPAIN 2023
Dr. Nishant Singh
Group Leader
Nishant completed his PhD in 2016 with a Marie Curie Fellowship (Extraordinary prize) working on catalytic hydrogels. He then moved to the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, UK for his first postdoc in 2017 on EPSRC funded Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery Grant. He worked on combinatorial drug delivery systems for breast cancer and antibiotic resistance, and high-through put anti-bacterial coatings for bacterial attachment. He then moved to Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), University of Strasbourg in 2018 to work on non-equilibrium self-assemblies and reaction cycles where he also secured a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. Nishant was awarded CIDEGENT GRANT in 2022 to start his own research group at INAM, UJI.
Pau Gil Cantavella
Bachelor thesis
Sudeep Koppayithodi
PhD Scholar
Prerna Ranasingh
PhD Scholar
Prerna received her Integrated BS-MS degree in Chemical Sciences from IISER, Berhampur in 2023. During her master’s she worked on “Supramolecular purely Organic room temperature Phosphorescence” under the supervision of Prof. Subi George at JNCASR, Bangalore. She is currently a PhD student at DyMSaS in the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM). Her current work focuses on new chemically fuelled reaction cycles.
Pau is an Estudia i Investiga fellow which allows top students from bachelor's degree to start getting to know about lab work and research from the very beginning in their studies. He is currently dedicating his time to learn and teach the group about coacervates. His project deals with non-equilibrium catalytic coacervates for polymer synthesis. Pau also is a coach for under 12 football team.
Sudeep has joined DyMSaS to pursue his PhD in chemically fueled reaction cycles and three dimensional Superstrucutres. He brings experience in photoresponsive molecules from LIGHT Lab at IISER Kolkata. Sudeep did his integrated BS-MS from IISER Kolkata.
Alejandro Lence Anido
Master Thesis
Agustin Diaz Claveria
Master Thesis
Agustín Díaz Clavería graduated in Chemistry from the University Jaume I in 2018, where he studied the Aharonov-Bohm effect as a final project. After working in the chemical industry for several years, he completed a Master's in Education in 2023. Currently, as a master student in Pharmacological Chemistry, he is researching the evolution of simple chemical systems like coacervates into complex protocells in order to get a better understanding of early cellular evolution. He enjoys learning different fields in science and listening to music and reading in his spare time.
Alejandro is currently studying for a master's degree in Castellón in pharmacological chemistry and has completed his bachelor's degree in chemistry at the University of A Coruña in 2024. His final year project at CITENI, Ferrol, focused on the preparation and
characterization of thin films. of a semiconductor polymer. He loves exploring new areas and techniques in the world of science, in his free time he likes to play sports and spend time with friends.
Previously with us:
Dr. Subir Paul
Postdoc 2024
Dr. Kousik Gayen
Postdoc 2023-24
Rosario D. M. Mora
Master 2024
Silvia Garre Martin
Master 2024